My Christian Life

I have been saved for over 16 years now and one thing I know for sure Jesus is real. I want to share a story with you that actually happened in my college years from 2003. At the time I was a sophomore in college, and I prayed for a hair miracle. I asked God to miraculously grow my hair waist length. I fasted for a month, and at the end of the fast my hair was still the same shoulder length. I was very disappointed. I had prayed so hard but no results. Well I later learned that God had to teach me how to care for my hair before He could bless me with long hair. Secondly, growing my hair too that length would be a process. I was pretty naive. Also my hair was over processed at the time, it was relaxed so it wasn't healthy. Once I graduated school I spent a lot of time at the library doing research about hair care. I changed some of my habits, but I still preferred relaxed hair. That was the year 2005. I would have a great relaxed hair year, and then a setback the next year that went on until the year 2011. I was able to see my hair stylist because I relocated and I decided to relax my hair at home. I can remember how tight my scalp felt. I had a significant amount of breakage that when I prayed and asked God to help me transition to natural. I knew in my heart that If I transitioned to natural maybe it would be possible to grow my hair waist length over a period of time. The hair transition wasn't easy because I later found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. It had seemed easy to just go back and relax my hair, but I didn't give in, I kept going on my transition journey. My desire changed to the health of my hair rather than the length. Once I big chopped after 14 months I felt so beautiful with short hair. As my hair grew I noticed that if I take care of my natural hair and learn as much as I can, I can reach my long term goal to waist length. My mother did it when I was a child so I can that there is a chance. God reminded of my hair miracle prayer, and He said He would help me. So this is why now I am creating a ongoing blog to share my story about how God does care about our desires when we do His will.

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